Prof Tom Gonda
Professor Tom Gonda
Professor, University of South Australia (part-time), and Honorary Professor, University of Queensland
Consultant in biomedical research
Internationally-known cancer researcher with expertise in leukaemia, breast cancer, transcription, oncogenes, experimental haematology, functional and cancer genomics.
Over 11,000 citations, H-index 51
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Target and Drug Discovery Platform, John Curtin school of Medical Research, ANU
Member Cancer Theme Steering Committee, University of South Australia
Member (2007-15) and Deputy Chair (2014-15), University of Queensland Institutional Biosafety Subcommittee
External Expert Member, Review Panel for the Ramaciotti Centre for Gene Function Analysis, UNSW (2012)
Extensive experience in pre-submission grant reviews and grant assessment; member of multiple NHMRC GRPs (2000-2019) and ARC College of Experts (2003-6)
Industry experience: Chief Scientist, Bionomics Ltd (2001-3); research interactions with Progen Ltd, Novartis, GSK
Head, Cancer Biology Program, UQ Diamantina Institute (2004-8)
Deputy Director, UQ Diamantina Institute (2006-8)
NHMRC Research Fellow (1990-2001); UICC Yamagiwa-Yoshida Memorial International Cancer Study Grant (1998); American Cancer Society (California Division) Postdoctoral Fellowship (1980-1981)
Member, National Breast Cancer Foundation Expert Group on Strategic Planning (2003)