Outside Opinion works at all levels of higher education. Our services are available to individuals, research centres and institutes, research offices, faculties, schools and senior management teams. We also work with researchers outside the university sector. Please contact us to discuss how we can help you.
Research grant development
We help in grant development from the inception of the idea to submission. We listen, read and give feedback, both in writing and in person, to junior and senior researchers. We have extensive experience as ARC and NHMRC research leaders, but we have also led Cat 2, 3 and 4 grants. We can advise on international funding schemes. We help applicants devise multiple pathways for fundable ideas and publishing initiatives.
Strategic Planning and Review
Strategic planning and review at Centre, School, Faculty or whole of institution level, focussing on one or more discipline grouping or portfolio. Reviews can be broad ranging or tightly focussed on one or more aspects of research performance and impact, program offerings and curriculum development, student recruitment, retention and graduate outcomes, international partnerships, industry engagement, staffing strategies and internal investment models.
Research and academic capacity building
We offer research support and advice for early, mid career and advanced scholars and we provide independent, informed views on how your curriculum offerings compare to emerging ideas and international best practice. We can help build a stronger nexus between teaching and research, through work integrated and problem based learning.
leadership and governance
We have expertise in leadership and governance and are skilled in hands-on strategic planning at university, faculty, school and Centre level. We are experienced mentors and can work with groups or individuals, either in person or on line.
Industry partnership analysis
We help people to identify potential partners, develop the relationship and build commitment. We offer industry sector scoping and profiling. We show how to use techniques to clarify, engage and persuade. Our tools and frameworks build impact into every project from the start.
academic writing and publishing
OO offers writing workshops, editing services and advice on publication strategies. Our expert and targeted editorial and publication support helps researchers complete more research to a higher quality standard with better long-term outcomes. We give concrete help in planning publications and other outcomes, national benefit, impact and open access.
Workshops and Mentoring
Outside Opinion offers a comprehensive range of workshops on grant development, strategic planning, writing and publishing and leadership across the higher education sector.
Workshops - In Person and Online
Coaching and Mentoring for individuals and groups
Retreats, briefings and planning sessions
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash
Subject expertise
Outside Opinion is a team of experienced academic and research consultants drawn from senior roles in higher education and public policy in Australia and abroad. We can provide expertise and experience across a range of disciplines from philosophy to physics through our extensive network of Associates and Senior Associates.
Business, Law, and Public policy
Business schools are lynchpins of interdisciplinary and industry collaboration in every modern university. With their depth of knowledge and connections in commerce and the professions, they are ideally placed to lead research and teaching in global challenges such as ageing, public health, digital inclusion, globalisation, security, democracy and environmental sustainability. Outside Opinion has expertise in business, management, economics, finance law, politics, international studies, communication and related fields.
Education and Social Sciences
There has never been more need for critical social analysis with a global understanding of geopolitics and social change. This expertise needs to be applied to problem-based learning in real world sites of professional practice. Deep connections to the professions and accreditation agencies remain important, and so do research and evidence-based approaches. Outside Opinion expertise includes senior scholars in the social sciences, social policy, social work, and education with experience in teaching, social services, public policy, community development, collecting and heritage and the creative industries.
Health and Medical Research
The funding landscape for medical, health and life sciences has undergone transformational change over the last ten years and the changes will continue. Those individuals, teams and institutions that lead the transformation will have the greatest future success. Outside Opinion expertise includes biomedical, clinical, health services and public health.
Humanities and Creative Arts
The humanities and creative arts provide civic, social, cultural and economic value through diverse disciplines, providing rigour and coherence for research and teaching and for the broader purposes of professional preparation, civic culture and public debate. Outside Opinion has expertise across the humanities and creative arts including creative industries — visual arts, digital media, broadcasting and film, creative writing, performing arts — design and architecture, collections and heritage, communications, editing and publishing, cultural planning, cultural economics and community development.
Life Sciences
At Outside Opinion, we are well-versed in the key current life science research priorities and challenges in Australia and internationally, and we bring multiple perspectives to the task of ensuring competitiveness in a changing world.
Outside Opinion expertise includes senior scholars with international standing in the physical, environmental, and engineering sciences. Our team includes research leaders who have secured significant funding from national and international agencies, industries and charities, led centres and institutes, mentored others to success and effected organisational change.
Please contact us for PDF brochures on Outside Opinion services for more detailed information on what we offer and our expert team.
Research Grant Services Brochure - NEW!
Brochure with all grant services in one PDF (updated February 2022)
UK Higher Education Grants Brochure (PDF)
Strategic Planning and Review
Environmental Scanning Brochure (PDF)
ERA 2023 Brochure (PDF)
Small and Regional Universities (PDF)
Strategic Planning Brochure (PDF)
Academic Writing and Publishing
Writing and Publishing Brochure (PDF)
Subject areas
Business, Law and Public Policy Capability Statement (PDF)
Education Capability Statement (PDF)
Health and Medicine (PDF)
Humanities and Creative Arts Capability Statement (PDF)
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Capability Statement (PDF)
Social Sciences and Social Work Capability Statement (PDF)