Outside Opinion is a team of experienced academic and research consultants drawn from senior roles in higher education and public policy in Australia and abroad. We provide academic and research advice, strategic planning, performance analysis, grant development, workshops, coaching and capacity building across all disciplines.
What we offer
OO supports grant development from the inception to submission. We give robust and independent feedback on quality. We devise multiple pathways for fundable ideas.
Strategic Planning and Review
OO leads and implements strategic planning processes. We conduct external reviews at Faculty, School and Centre level and offer advice on ERA
OO works with early, mid career and advanced scholars. We help with research questions and with methodology and approach.
OO members have expertise in governance, integrity processes, accountability and risk assessment.
OO helps research groups to identify potential industry partners and develop industry relationships and build commitment.
academic writing and publishing
OO offers writing workshops, editing services and advice on publication strategies to demonstrate research excellence and impact.
Work with us to build focus and informed strategy. The OO team is uniquely experienced, drawing on many years in senior roles in research and academic leadership and in government, industry and NGOs. We offer independent expert advice across all disciplines and across research, business development and academic portfolios. We work at university, faculty, Institute, centre and individual levels and our advice comes from people who have done the job themselves. We work flexibly, and we co-design the work with clients. Our impressive team can offer deep understanding of what it takes to achieve change.
Professor Denise Meredyth
How we do things
Independent, impartial advice crafted for each client
Imagination, creativity, scholarly depth and critical insight
High academic standards and intellectual rigour
Academic collegiality and respect: a focus on strengths and potential
Trust and confidentiality
Commitment to timelines and to meeting expectations
Reasonably priced advice
Contact us
Based in Melbourne, working across Australia and New Zealand with Senior Associates in Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Launceston, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, and regional NSW, Queensland and Victoria. International Senior Associates work from Canada, Germany, Thailand and the UK.
Design and Operations Manager
+61 421 104 144
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