Prof Santina Bertone
Professor Santina Bertone
Santina Bertone is Deputy Dean (Research) in the School of Business and Law at Central Queensland University. She is also a Professor of Management, specialising in diversity management and industrial relations. Her career experience includes research and leadership experience at the University of Melbourne, Victoria University and Swinburne University of Technology. Her past roles include research centre director, head of department, acting head of graduate research, acting dean and acting PVC (Research).
Santina has generated 128 publications and attracted more than $2 million in research funding, including two ARC grants. She was an ARC international reader for 20 years, and has had 11 higher degree by research completions, including seven PhDs. Her research funders and partners include the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council, the Australia Council for the Arts, the Committee for Economic Development of Australia, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, the Department for Victorian Communities, Department of Industrial Relations, Department of Transport and Regional Development, Department of Justice, local councils, National Australia Bank, ESSO and many more.
In 2003, Santina received the Centenary of Federation Medal for her contributions to academia, industrial relations and the ethnic communities’ council and recently won a best reviewer award from the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management. Her international work has included collaborations with senior academics in the UK, Ireland, the USA, Japan, Italy and Luxembourg.
Prior to becoming an academic, she was a national industrial/research officer for three trade unions and co-led or participated in ACTU campaigns. Her particular strengths lie in research strategy development and performance, industry partnerships, external grant seeking, research higher degrees and postgraduate research education.