Prof Russell Hogg
Professor Russell Hogg
Senior Associate
Professor Russell Hogg is an Adjunct Professor in the Centre for Justice, Faculty of Law, at Queensland University of Technology. Russell’s research focus is on Criminology: including the history and contemporary practice of punishment, law and order politics, southern criminology, historical criminology, crime and justice in rural communities, white collar and corporate crime; and Law: including criminal law, criminal procedure and socio-legal studies.
Russell has experience as Chief Investigator on six ARC Discovery grants. He is co-author/co-editor of nine scholarly book publications, over 40 scholarly book chapters and over 25 refereed journal articles, as well as multiple contributions to legal compendia, research reports and other academic publications and by way of conference presentations
Member International Editorial Board of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy
Member of the Advisory Board for the Centre of Rural Criminology, UNE
2017: Member Advisory Committee, Australian Law Reform Commission Inquiry into the incarceration rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
2011: awarded the ANZ Society of Criminology Allen Austin Bartholomew Award for best article published in the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology: Carrington, K. Hogg, R. & McIntosh, A. ‘The Resource Boom’s Underbelly: Criminological Impacts of Mining Development’ Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, (2011) 44(3): 335-354 (with K. Carrington & A. McIntosh)
Peer reviewer for national and international journals, including ANZJnl of Criminology, Punishment and Society, UNSWLJ, Current Issues in Crim Justice, Griffith LR
General Editor for Routledge book series, Criminology in Asia and the Global South
ARC Ozreader (assessing ARC Discovery. ARC Linkage, DECRA and other grant applications)
Member Board of the North and North West Community Legal Centre (2006-2009)
Curatorium Member, ‘Anita and Beyond’ - a community cultural development project exploring the impact of the Anita Cobby murder in western Sydney, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre and Liverpool Regional Museum/Penrith Regional Gallery and Lewers Bequest (2001-2003)
Non-Ministerial member, NSW Crime Prevention Council (Chaired by then Premier of NSW, Bob Carr.) (1996-2000)
Research Track Record Equivalent to PhD, recognised by ANU, UWS, UNE and QUT
MA (Criminological Studies - with Distinction) (Sheffield University, U.K.), 1977-78
B. Juris, LLB (UNSW), 1972-76