Dr Laura Dan
Dr Laura Dan
Dr Laura Dan is higher education leader, grant strategist and researcher, focussing on language change across centuries and across geographies. As Chief Program Officer at the Australian Research Council from 2013 to 2018 she led the National Competitive Grants Program and developed a successful stakeholder engagement framework.
Laura has expertise across higher education and government: research, innovation, strategy development and implementation, governance and stakeholder engagement at the highest level. She is skilled in research strategy and management, contract negotiations, tenders and administrative reviews.
Laura’s career highlights include:
• Board Director, Engagement Australia (2019-2020)
• Senior Branch Manager, Grains Research and Development Corporation (2021-2022)
• Director and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Industry and Community Engagement at Charles Sturt University (2018-2020)
• Chief Program Officer and Senior Manager, Australian Research Council (2011-2018)
• Member, Accreditation Council, Australasian Research Management Society, 2011-2018
• Secondment to Innovation and Science Australia (December 2016-October 2017)
• Researcher and Research Manager, Australian National University (2008-2011)
• Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics (ANU 2004) and Master of Management (ANU 2009)