Dr Abbas Shafiee
Dr Abbas Shafiee
Dr Abbas Shafiee has a demonstrated high-performing research trajectory in the Regenerative Medicine, Cancer Biology and Bioengineering arena. His research impact has been demonstrated by publications in high-standing, and high-impact factor journals including, but not limited to, Biomaterials, The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, Bone Research, Stem Cells Translational Medicine, Advanced Healthcare Materials, and Small.
Since 2020, Dr Shafiee has established a clinical research program to develop, implement, and evaluate the applications of 3D printing, stem cell therapies, and biofabrication technologies in skin wound patients. Using the 3D printing and stem/progenitor cell delivery, he developed a new dressing to enhance physiological wound closure with reduced scarring. He is also part of a national program aiming to develop 3D bioprinting technology to treat skin wounds. Additionally, Dr Shafiee’s team has found new ways of generating skin organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Reconstructing the appendage-bearing skin organoids in cultures has changed the way that skin diseases and wounds are studied and treated. Dr Shafiee thus has substantial experience with the development of research translation.
Dr Shafiee’s authority in the field has been acknowledged by invitations to serve as Guest Editor or on the Editorial Board of leading scientific journals, or as an assessor for several national (ARC, NHMRC) and international (DAF, CIHR, Dutch Cancer Society, and Austrian Science Fund) funding agencies. He is also passionate about training the next scientific generation and healthcare professionals and has trained several Ph.D., MPhil, MSc, MD, and undergraduate students.