Engaging with Feedback
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
Presented by Prof Sue Martin
This workshop is aimed at HDR and ECRs in humanities and social sciences. In 2 sessions it looks at real examples of Examiner and Reader feedback,with HDR responses where relevant. This workshop is primarily designed for HDR feedback from Examiners and Supervisors, but can be adjusted or adapted to a session on dealing with Referee Feedback for Journal and publication submission.
prof sue martin
Sue Martin is Emeritus Professor in the Department of Creative Arts and English at La Trobe University. Sue has researched and published extensively in Australian literary studies, the teaching of Australian literature and book culture, and presented nationally on research management and research metrics. Sue was a member of the national ARC ERA2018 Research Evaluation Committee for HCA, and has a special interest in ERA, rankings, and the ANZSRCS particularly as they apply to HASS and Business disciplines.